Network Events

Training in research skills will be complemented by a combination of network-based training schools and workshops on state-of-the-art analytical techniques required for mineral scaling research.

The current calendar is given below with the titles of the various training events. Clicking on the events in red will give you more information about the schools and/or conferences

  Approx. date Network Event
1 December 15-19, 2012, Seefeld, Austria Kick-Off Meeting and CS1: Successfully starting a research project
2 June 17-21, Denmark Second MINSC network meeting: RS1 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and kinetics of mineral nucleation and growth CS2 A: Employability and an entrepreneurial attitude. Scaling and Corrosion in Industrial Applications Part 1
3 22 August 2013: Goldschmidt RS1 workshops in Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and kinetics of fluid mineral interactions
4 7-14 Feb. 2014 Mid term review plus ER complementary workshop 1: people and project mgmt plus CS2: developing research skills
5 Info available here RS3: Workshop series on State of the Art Analytical Techniques – info to be sent to interested fellows
6 August 24-29, Iceland

CS3: Further research skills and networking, public outreach and media training plus annual network meeting plus ER Complementary workshop 2: Advanced career mgmt

RS2: Scaling and Corrosion in Industrial Applications: Problems and solutions

7 December 2014 CS4: Exploring and exploiting career opportunities plus CS2: employability and an entrepreneurial attitude, Part 1
8 8-12 March 2015, Italy CS4: Exploring and exploiting career opportunities plus CS2: employability and an entrepreneurial attitude, Part 2
9 16-21 August 2015: Goldschmidt Prague Annual network meeting plus final network conference

Network wide research training schools

Research School 1 'Fundamentals of Thermodynamics & Kinetics of Fluid-Mineral Interaction'
  ESR and ER training in the fundamental physical chemistry of particle nucleation and growth and surface reactions
Research School 2 'Scaling & Corrosion in Industrial Applications: Problems and Solutions'
  ESR and ER introduction to geothermal and platform engineering, and the problems and potential solutions to mineral scaling in geothermal and oil-based energy production
Research School 3 Workshop Series on 'State-of-the-Art Analytical Techniques'
  Nanoscale spectroscopy and microscopy
  Surface techniques
  Molecular, geochemical and hydrodynamic modelling
  Selection and optimisation of chemicals for field-scale treatment of mineral scale deposits

Network wide complementary training schools

Complementary School 1 'Successfully Starting a Research Project'
  ESR and ER training in key research, communication, personal and project management skills: including the basic ingredients of a research project, how to define and plan sub-projects, communication between researchers, managing and developing a project website, and oral plus poster presentation of results; personal effectiveness skills; and ethics training
Complementary School 2 'Developing Research Skills, Employability & an Entrepreneurial Attitude'
  ESR and ER training in presentation of research results, data handling, writing research papers and technical reports, and writing popular science articles, and an introduction to skills in team work, career management and entrepreneurship and intellectual property rights
Complementary School 3 'Further Research Skills & Networking'
  ESR and ER training in advanced research skills; further team and networking skills; and public outreach
Complementary School 4 'Exploring & Exploiting Career Opportunities'
  ESR training in further career management skills, and focusing on exploring and exploiting career opportunities going forward