Project Descriptions

Details about eligibility and how to apply can be found on the Opportunities page

The Molecular-level Projects for ER1 and for ESR1 to ESR4

Project for ER 1: In situ nucleation and growth kinetics of carbonates and oxalates with inhibitors.
Principal host: University of Leeds, UK.

Project description:
The goal of this project is to derive molecular level knowledge regarding the effect and role of organic inhibitors (sulphonates and phosphonates) on the formation of a series of industrially important mineral phases, namely calcium carbonates and oxalates. The precipitation of these phases induce scaling problems which affect the life-time of feed pipes (i.e., pipe clogging, corrosion, etc.) and thus reduce flow performance and efficiency in a variety of industrial processes (i.e., oil and food production). The aim of the project is to use state-of-the-art synchrotron-based scattering and diffraction techniques (Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering, SAXS/WAXS) to follow the nucleation and growth of these phases in the absence and presence of the inhibitors and as a function of changing pH, saturation and T conditions. The synchrotron dataset will be complemented by high-resolution microscopy (Field Emission Gun – Scanning Electron Microscopy, FEG-SEM / High-Resolution – Transmission Electron Microscopy, HR-TEM), wet chemical methods, as well as infrared spectroscopy. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Copenhagen where the ER will have access to unique surface analytical facilities for verification of the presence and interactions of the inhibitors and their effects, through evidence from morphology, surface structure and surface composition. Finally, ER1 and the industrial partners (primarily Maersk Olie og Gas) will work closely on the implementation and validation of their findings.

For further information and local application details contact Prof. Liane G. Benning (

A detailed job description is available here and here.

Project for ESR1: Molecular modelling of inhibitors for scale mineral growth
Principal host: University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Project description:
The success of organic inhibitors to prevent barite scale formation during water flooding is well appreciated by oil companies. However, to get a fundamental understanding of inhibitor effects in the scale-fluid-rock system, so as to optimise effect and minimise cost, requires knowledge about the molecular level interaction of such additives with mineral surfaces. ESR1 will learn how to use computer modelling (density functional theory, DFT, and molecular dynamics, MD), combined with experiments, to test behaviour in solution and to determine interfacial binding energies of various functional groups on scale minerals. The ESR will have the opportunity to visit and work with other MINSC academic and industry partners to solve real problems with scaling, thus preparing the fellow for a career in a university or in the energy or food industries, where insight into scaling processes is critical.

For further information and local application details, contact Prof. S.L.S. Stipp ( or Asst. Prof. Martin Andersson (

Applications are no longer accepted for this position.

Project for ESR 2: Silica precipitation under geothermal conditions
Principal host: University of Leeds, UK.

Project description:
Using a novel high-temperature flow through precipitation system built at Leeds, this project aims to quantify the effects of carbohydrate and sulphonate inhibitor molecules on the formation kinetics of amorphous silica, with a view to better understanding precipitation in geothermal systems. This project will elucidate how silica polymerization and precipitation leads to scale formation and how such processes evolve in the absence and presence of specific inhibitors. We will combine geochemical simulations with in-situ and real-time scattering, high-resolution microscopy and wet chemical analyses to quantitatively derive the mechanisms of silica polymerisation, induced by rapid cooling of a supersaturated silica solution, and silica nanoparticle formation. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Copenhagen to use surface characterization tools to quantify the interactions between the organic inhibitors and the silica scales produced. This ESR will also work closely with Reykjavik Energy for access and geochemical/field data from geothermal power plants to inform the experiments.

For further information and local application details contact Prof. Liane G. Benning (

This position has now been filled and applications are no longer accepted.

Project for ESR 3: Growth inhibitors on carbonates/oxalates
Principal host: University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Project description:

Work currently underway at Copenhagen shows clearly that some polysaccharides from natural algal species control calcite growth at low concentrations. The algae have designed these complex sugars to carry Ca ions to the growing surface and to inhibit growth on selected crystal faces. ESR3 will investigate the effect of polysaccharides on calcite growth from the fundamental level and use the results to find the parameters needed for designing cheap and effective additives to prevent scaling at extremely low inhibitor concentrations. Because sugars are harmless from a health and environment perspective, the product will be completely safe, even when intended for consumption. ESR3 will use surface analytical techniques (such as atomic force microscopy, AFM, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS) for the molecular level investigations. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to visit and work with other MINSC partners in universities and industry. This will help to prepare the candidate for a career in a university or in the energy or food industries, where insight into preventing scale is in demand.

For further information and local application details, contact Prof. S.L.S. Stipp ( or Asst. Prof. Nico Bovet (

Applications are no longer accepted for this position.

Project for ESR 4: Barite surface growth inhibition
Principal host: University of Münster, Germany.

Project description:
The University of Münster team has many years of research experience on the factors affecting nucleation and growth of barite and its solid solutions. The role of organic additives as inhibitors or chelators has been studied at both the nano-scale, using in situ fluid cell Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) methods, as well as bulk macroscopic crystallisation reactors. Although most studies of crystal growth inhibition have emphasised adsorption of these molecules on the crystal surface, our recent focus has shifted to the role these molecules play in modifying the structure of the aqueous solution and hence controlling the solvation environment of the ions precipitating. However, little is known about how this happens. Additives can change the activation energy for cation desolvation, which is the rate-controlling step in nucleation and growth. The project for ESR4 will focus on the nucleation and growth of barite and barite solid-solutions as a function of fluid composition in the presence of sulphonate and phosphonate inhibitors. The research will be carried out by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) using a pumped flow-through fluid system as well as by analogous experiments in larger-scale flow-through reactors. Input and output solution composition will be monitored using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), and the solid phases studied by electron microscopy and solid phase analysis methods. The ESR will be trained in aqueous geochemistry and mineralogy and will become proficient in both nanoscale and macroscopic analysis methods. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to Maersk Olie og Gas to discuss and interface with the oil industry sector about their barite scaling problems and to collect samples. There will also be opportunities for secondments to University of Copenhagen and University of Toulouse to cross-correlate the experimental with the molecular modelling approaches.

For further information and local application details contact Prof. Andrew Putnis ( )

This position has now been filled and applications are no longer accepted.

The Macroscopic-level Projects for ER2 and for ESR 5 to ESR8

Project for ER 2: Carbonate scale formation in natural rock cores.
Principal host: CRNS, Toulouse, France.

Project description:
The aim of this project is to use new flow-through core reactors that can operate to 100°C and high fluid pressures and to measure in situ Ca and Mg-carbonate scale formation in whole rock cores. This will permit the quantitative assessment of the changes in permeability in solid rock cores as a function of flow properties. This will allow the assessment of variations in key chemical (carbonate saturation, pH, inhibitors) and physical (flow, porosity, T) parameters that affect scale formation in close-to natural settings. Scale formation will be monitored with time using X-ray microtomography, allowing internal, 3-D mapping at a sub-µm scale. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Oslo and Maersk Olie og Gas where the ER will be involved in modeling of new material distribution, as a function of pore size, position and fluid flow. This experimental laboratory data set will be invaluable for understanding the field scale and industrial processes (i.e., fracture filling, fault sealing in oil reservoirs etc.).

For further information and local application details contact Dr. Eric Oelkers (

Project for ESR 5: Bulk scale mineral precipitation and the effect of inhibitors.
Principal host: CRNS, Toulouse, France.

Project description:
The goal of this ESR project is to quantify bulk precipitation rates for the calcite and barite systems, in the absence and presence of sulphonate and phosphonate inhibitors, and to expand the scope of the project to also include oxalate precipitation, which is an important scale mineral forming in food industry processes. ESR5 will interface closely with other fellows studying the same precipitation systems at the molecular-level. Bulk precipitation rates at fixed solution composition and saturation state but at variable pH, inhibitor concentration regimes, high and low ionic strengths (to mimic seawater injection in oil wells or high organic contents in beer brewing), as well as at various temperatures will be measured in a variety of state-of-the-art mixed-flow or batch reactors. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Leeds and University of Iceland to augment the analyses of the experimental solid and solution compositions. There will also be opportunity for this ESR to closely interface with the industrial partners (primarily Maersk Olie og Gas) to gain information about the physico-chemical conditions of production and access to specific scaling samples from their production units.

For further information and local application details contact Dr. Eric Oelkers (

Project for ESR 6: Sulfide scaling and inhibitors.
Principal host: University of Leeds, UK.

Project description:
This project will focus on improving our understanding of the mineralogical and geochemical parameters that control the formation of sulfide mineral precipitates in reduced oilfield production systems. Specifically, ESR6 will evaluate the interaction between conventionally used organic chemical inhibitors and metal surfaces to determine how and what sulfide minerals precipitate. This will be approached through a set of anaerobic experiments where both the precipitation of sulfides and the associated corrosion effects on the reactive surface (i.e. pipe) in the absence and presence of various inhibitors are tested. This ESR will aim to ultimately design improved reduction and prevention management strategies of sulfide scaling regimes. ESR6 will be trained in anaerobic experimental approaches and the use of advanced micro-spectroscopic techniques to characterize the formed scales and the reacting surfaces. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Oslo and CNRS to compare their results with the bulk precipitation experiments and the hydrodynamic flow experiments other MINSC fellows.

For further information and local application details contact Prof. Liane G. Benning (

Project for ESR 7: Carbonate scale formation in porous media.
Principal host: University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Project description:
Natural mineral scale precipitation occurs in basaltic rock formations via reaction with CO2 rich waters. This leads to the formation of natural scale minerals (Ca, Mg, Fe-carbonates) that clog the rock pores and fill in fractures. This process is basically the natural analog to pipe scaling but in a much more complex media. Scaling in such systems leads to a drastic changes in physical flow paths in previously permeable rock yet, little is known about such reactions. The aim of this project is to use highly porous and reactive basaltic rock fragments and react them with CO2 rich waters to mimic the natural mineral scale formation. Basaltic rocks contain substantial Mg, Fe and Ca needed for carbonate formation and are a potential repository for CO2 sequestration. However, the nucleation and crystal growth processes in such reactions are virtually unknown. This ESR will carry out experiments in open and closed flowing reactors, to define (and potentially control) the rates and composition of the formed carbonates. They will be trained to characterize the solid products using state-of-the-art surface sensitive and high-resolution micro-spectroscopic techniques. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Leeds, CNRS and University of Copenhagen. There will also be opportunities for this ESR to use geochemical modelling techniques to fully evaluate the pathways of pore clogging during scale mineral formation. The ESR will complement their data set with X-Ray micro-tomography to derive unique information about changes in porosity upon progressive scale mineral formation. By its nature this project will be closely interfaced with the industrial partners (primarily Reykjavik Energy), and there is opportunity for this ESR to visit and gain geochemical/field data from the Hellisheidi pilot CO2 injection plant to inform their experiments.

For further information and local application details contact Prof. Andri Stefansson (

Project for ESR 8: Precipitation and carbonate and oxalate scaling during flow.
Principal host: University of Oslo, Norway.

Project description:
Scale precipitation during industrial processes often occurs under variable fluid flow regimes. Despite this, in most industrial tests on scale formation, inhibitor effectiveness is only tested in batch or static experiments, even though hydrodynamic parameters have major implications in such tests. The dynamics of precipitation during fluid flow under various rate-controlling regimes leads to a complex interplay between surface topography, precipitation and fluid dynamics. This is an area where substantial new research is needed and one where this ESR will make a substantial contribution. ESR8 will experimentally test the effect of fluid flow parameters on scale formation on surfaces in the carbonate and oxalate systems. The ESR will ultimately develop physical models of fluid transport coupled with the chemical surface precipitation reactions. Such coupled models for precipitation under flow are rare in the literature, and are usually limited to simple cases (e.g. shear flow over a flat surface). This project requires an interdisciplinary approach, integrating computational, theoretical and laboratory fluid dynamics with chemistry. The ESR will require a strong physics and hydrodynamics background and will be trained in geochemistry and mineralogy. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Leeds and CNRS. Ultimately the aim is to study the detailed influence of turbulence on rough-surface precipitation via sophisticated turbulence modelling in 3D, e.g., by Large Eddy Simulation techniques. So far, flow is rarely and usually not accurately incorporated in the private sector's predictive modelling and thus this new knowledge is desperately needed by our industrial partners (primarily Maersk Olie og Gas) with whom this ESR will have the opportunity to work with to transfer the knowledge to the real-world.

For further information and local application details contact Prof. Bjorn Jamtveit (

The Field-level Projects for ESR9 to ESR 11

Project for ESR 9: Silica scaling in geothermal pipe lines.
Principal host: Reykjavik Energy, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Project description:
Utilization of geothermal resources involves cooling of high-temperature geothermal fluids (200-300°C) and separation of steam and water. Upon boiling and cooling, the fluids become rapidly supersaturated with respect to many minerals and this results in amorphous silica and carbonate scale formations, which lead to massive pipline clogging problems. Kinetic and nucleation barriers present during scale formation often lead to complex polymerisation reactions and, as a result, the scale formations are comprised of nano-sized amorphous gel-type minerals. The aim of this project is to (a) characterize the compositional and mineralogical variations in geothermal silica and carbonate well scaling produced from dilute to saline geothermal fluids, and (b) to model the reaction mechanism of geothermal well scaling from fluid data and scale compositions. This way an efficient method to suppress the formation of pipeline scales during geothermal power production will be defined. ESR9 will sample and analyse the two-phase geothermal fluids at the Hellisheidi and Nesjavellir pilot CO2 injection plants in Iceland, and sample scale formations in-situ and from active pipelines. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to University of Leeds, and University of Copenhagen where they can analyse scale composition and the nano-sized structures using various state-of-the-art methods.

For further information and local application details contact Dr. Bergur Sigfusson (>)

Project for ESR 10: In situ monitoring station for silica scale formation.
Principal host: WestSystems, Pisa, Italy.

Project description:
The prime aim of this project is the testing and implementation of a multi-branch sensor station able to measure the concentration of CO2 in the gases dissolved in ground- and geothermal waters and its full integration in industrial or environmental monitoring applications. Usually the concentration of CO2 is analysed via discrete sampling, and subsequent analysis in the laboratory. The proposed sensor station will do the same job in situ and in real-time. In brief, the envisaged station consists of a cell where the dissolved gases are monitored and another cell where sulphide, Ca2+, pH, redox, temperature and conductivity are measured. The 1st cell is the innovative design and it includes a mini shower (where the dissolved gas is balanced with the headspace gas), a pump and the measuring cell equipped with an infrared spectrometer to quantify the CO2 concentration. ESR10 will be trained by and work closely with WestSystems experts in developing instruments for continuous environmental monitoring and will be involved in testing and modifying the device via a series of sequential laboratory – field implementation stages, followed by real-world tests during deployment in geothermal areas in Iceland. As part of the training, there will be opportunities to go on research secondments and visits to any of the MINSC partners, but primarily to Reykjavik Energy to be trained in geothermal energy issues and University of Iceland to gain necessary geochemical knowledge.

For further information and local application details contact Dr. Giorgio Virgili (

This position has now been filled and applications are no longer accepted.

Project for ESR 11: Scaling and changes in local pore structure
Principal host: Maersk Oil and Gas A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark (PhD program affiliate – University of Copenhagen)

Project description:
The effects and consequences of scale precipitation in chalk reservoirs as well as in the pipe work (tubing, valves, surface pipes, surface equipment etc.) in connection with oil production and water injection are well known by the oil industry. Consequences include loss of reservoir productivity and very costly repair of the pipe work. The scaling (predominantly CaCO3, BaSO4 and SrSO4) is caused by ionic incompatibility of reservoir and injected water and changes in fluid pressure and temperature during production. Although the essential conditions for scaling in the oilfield environment are well documented, a lot is still unknown with respect to the dynamics of the scaling processes. Thus it is difficult to predict, in a given situation, if scaling will be a problem. The tasks for the fellow include mining the internal Maersk Oil databases as well as collecting understanding about scaling problems that exist. With this information as a base, the dynamics of scale formation in the oil field environment and how to inhibit scaling will be studied using theoretical models and the consequences of the models will be tested in the laboratory. The expected result is a new or more effective way to prevent scaling within the oil industry. The experimental work will include tests of reservoir core material, monitoring of carbonate scale formation in the presence of carbohydrates and identifying the secondary minerals formed. In cooperation with ESR1 and ESR3, ESR11 will refine understanding of carbohydrate-calcite interaction and use X-ray microtomography (XMT) and focussed ion beam (FIB) sectioning with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to "see" in four dimensions, how pores change character during scaling. The fellow will have the opportunity for research visits with other MINSC partners and prepare for a career in a university or industry.

For further information and local application details, contact Hans-Henrik Kogsboll ( For information about the PhD program and research, contact Prof. S.L.S. Stipp ( or Asst. Prof. Henning Osholm Sorensen (