Our Environment Contents



  1. Aims
  2. The early Earth
  3. The origins of life
  4. The earliest evidence of life
  5. An Oxygen Revolution and the evolution of more complex organisms
  6. Prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and DNA
  7. Endosymbiosis and the evolution of eukaryotes from prokaryotes
  8. The origins of multi-cellular life
  9. Interruption of the evolution of multi-cellular life by major glaciations
  10. Shifting continents and evolution
  11. Skeletal life forms
  12. The end of the dinosaurs - the K-Pg boundary
  13. Human evolution
  14. Tool-using hominids


  1. Aims
  2. Use of fire
  3. Water resource development
  4. Forest clearance
  5. Fossil fuel burning
  6. Urbanisation
  7. The 'anthropocene'
  8. Leibig's Law of the Minimum
  9. Carrying capacity and technological development
  10. Trade
  11. The emergence of environmental limitations of a new kind
  12. Complex interrelationships between human activities and biological, chemical and geophysical processes
  13. The implications of human activities for the global environment
  14. Dimensions of the study and management of environmental issues


  1. Aims
  2. Four major defining transitions (revolutions)
  3. The Paleolithic era
  4. The Neolithic revolution
  5. The industrial revolution
  6. Environmental impacts of the industrial revolution
  7. The environmental revolution
  8. Changes in the relationship between people and their environments with successive revolutions
  9. The emergence of a new environmentalism


  1. Aims
  2. Definition of an environmental resource
  3. Resources as manageable environmental attributes
  4. Resource exploitation involving nature, technology, economy and society
  5. Feasibility hurdles for resource exploitation
  6. Renewable resources
  7. Non-renewable resources
  8. Threats to sustainability from depletion of non-renewable resources
  9. Environmental resources as economic assets
  10. Weak and strong sustainability
  11. The principle of weak sustainability
  12. The principle of strong sustainability
  13. Safeguarding the interests of future generations


  1. Aims
  2. Environmental sustainability and a new paradigm for development
  3. Bruntland principles of sustainable development
  4. Sustainable development and consistency between environmental protection and economic growth
  5. Sustainable environmental development and resource exploitation
  6. Social ownership of sustainable development
  7. A vision of sustainable development
  8. Multi-level commitment to environmentally sustainable development
  9. Commitment at international level
  10. Commitment at national level
  11. Commitment at regional level
  12. Commitment at business level
  13. Commitment at community level

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