
Results 81 to 85 of 476 in School of Earth and Environment

1)	The research team led people on a ‘scavenger hunt’ activity where they asked the group to record things that they noticed around them as a data collection exercise.

New research has revealed for the first time that well-functioning ecosystems are crucial to human health and wellbeing.

Text reads: Clean Air at Leeds

This Clean Air Day, we are celebrating the innovative research to support cleaner air in the Faculty of Environment and beyond.

A power plant.

Industrialised nations responsible for excessive levels of CO2 emissions could be liable for $170 trillion in compensation by 2050 to ensure climate change targets are met, say researchers.

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Research uncovers over fifty-five commonly used justifications by high energy consumers not to change their lifestyles.

Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. Image shows the view of the coast, including high-rises and an offshore cargo boat.

Dr Nwamaka Okeke-Ogbuafor urges researchers to listen to indigenous communities when it comes to improving their food systems.