
Results 81 to 85 of 477 in School of Earth and Environment

Punnets of strawberries

Strawberry lovers might want to check the provenance of their fruit this summer following controversy about a new farming bill which could cause the devastation of an iconic Spanish wetland.

1)	The research team led people on a ‘scavenger hunt’ activity where they asked the group to record things that they noticed around them as a data collection exercise.

New research has revealed for the first time that well-functioning ecosystems are crucial to human health and wellbeing.

Text reads: Clean Air at Leeds

This Clean Air Day, we are celebrating the innovative research to support cleaner air in the Faculty of Environment and beyond.

A power plant.

Industrialised nations responsible for excessive levels of CO2 emissions could be liable for $170 trillion in compensation by 2050 to ensure climate change targets are met, say researchers.

Discourses of delay

Research uncovers over fifty-five commonly used justifications by high energy consumers not to change their lifestyles.