School of Earth and Environment

Leadership Calls

Voting Poll for Two Elected Members of Steering Committee

In line with the recent revisions to Governance Structure within the School of Earth and Environment, I am pleased to announce that the poll to elect two nominated [1] members of staff to sit on the School’s Steering Committee is now open.
(Professor Rob Mortimer, Head of School)

The poll will be open from 9am Monday 13th January 2014 and will close at 5pm on Wednesday 22nd January 2014.

Voting Instructions:

Voters are asked to review the supporting statement submitted by each of the three candidates, before denoting votes (in rank order preference [2]) for their two preferred candidates.

There are two polls, first choice and second choice. You may select one from each, but make sure the answers are different (so not the same person twice). If it is detected that someone has voted for the same person twice, then one or both votes may be discarded.

Here are the supporting statements:

[1] Nominations were open to any Senior Academic (Grade9/10) who did not already hold a substantive leadership role within the School, and who wished to nominate themselves for a place on the Steering Committee for a one year term.

[2] The polling system has been designed such that it will use voters specified rank order preference to differentiate between candidate positions in the event of a tie.